Frequently Asked Questions
Why has this group formed?
To increase wholeness and prosperity for all.
Is this a political group?
We are not affiliated with any political party, however recognize that influencing politics through engagement is necessary to bring about wholeness and prosperity for all people.
Is this a religious group?
We believe in prayer and ultimately wish to see people have an intimate relationship with God. We are inspired to bring God’s Kingdom to earth so all people can be whole. We are not affiliated with any religious denomination.
Is this group imposing the Bible on others?
We are not “Bible thumpers” but we believe the principles and values taught in the Bible are beneficial to all. We will promote Biblical principles such as respect, love, forgiveness, grace, truth, and empathy.
What is this group looking to accomplish?
We intend to influence these seven areas to bring about wholeness and prosperity for all; religion, education, government, business/economics, arts/entertainment, media, family/community.
How is this different from other groups doing similar things?
Each community is unique and therefore each group has a unique approach to transformation. This makes it difficult to provide comparisons to other groups.
Is this limited to Abbeville County?
No, we hope to be a model to other regions and wish to partner to achieve common objectives.
Is this limited to the city of Abbeville?
No, we have representatives from other communities involved as well. Those individuals should serve to represent their communities, presenting issues and finding solutions in collaboration with others.
What’s in it for me, why should a person get involved?
If a person wants to see wholeness and prosperity for all, this provides an opportunity to engage in bringing that about.
What am I committing to?
Embracing diversity, personal change, positive growth and generosity; loving and forgiving to increase wholeness and prosperity for all. Members actively serving on Becoming ABBAville teams have agreed to a social covenant outlining these and other expectations.
Why was the name “Becoming ABBAville” selected?
After prayerful consideration the name was revealed with some historical and current context. Abba is the Greek word for Father. Ville means a place or city. Combined, these two root words mean “the place of my Father”. It is our desire that all communities become a place of our Father where there is wholeness and prosperity for all. The word “becoming” implies transformation from a current state into something new.
Who’s leading this initiative?
While this was initiated by Stoll Industries to help bring wholeness to all, this is a community change initiative, which requires leaders at all levels of the greater community. For additional information Darris Stoll can be reached at Stoll Industries.
How can I get involved?
Community change encompasses involvement at all levels. Involvement can begin with a personal commitment to fostering unity within one’s social circle and can be elevated to serving the greater community through volunteer engagement on a team. For additional information contact Darris at Stoll Industries or email